Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Epic Hike III...Hiking the Bonds.

Epic Hike III Team                                                                                                    July 28, 2013

The adventure started with a 3 mile hike to Zealand Hut, where we spent both nights.

On the second day is when the Epic Hike became Epic...
To start the day, after a huge pancake breakfast served at the hut, we made a rapid intense accent up Zealand to Zeacliff with specatcular views from the overlook.

The trek then headed to the Bonds. Which are some of the most remote peaks of the Whites.  But being remote has its gifts, much of the terrain is open which gives the hiker scenic vistas of nature in its perfect state, all along the way.  Some say the Bonds are the crown jewel of the whites, and I agree.

 The Bonds include:
Mt Bond, Bondcliff, and West Bond.  All three peaks are part of the 4,000 footers.

This is the view of Bondcliff and more...from West Bond.

The second day to the Bonds, was a very long and strenuous hike. The roundtrip distance was about 13 miles.  With an hour lunch break on the top of Bondcliff, it was a full day of hiking.  This was a tremendous hike and would highly recommend it to any fit hiker.

View from Zealand hut

 This really makes you appreciate God's gift of nature...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Galway Rovers FC - Columbus Day Soccer Tournament Champions

Galway Rovers FC - Boys U13 Elite Soccer Team

The Galway Rovers Boys U13 Soccer team wins the CFC Columbus Day Classic of the U13 Boys Premier division.  The tournament was played throughout the Rock Hill, CT area.

The boys played great, the defense did not allow a single goal to be scored against them,  and the team went undefeated with wins of: 1-0, 8-0, and 2-0.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Flower Photography Close Ups..

One of the most amazing things about shooting flowers is...the beautiful colors you can capture with your camera.

The essential gear is of course a decent digital SLR camera, a lens that has a low F-Stop (under 3), tripod, post processing software (i.e. Photoshop), and a little patience.

Taking the photograph is only half of the artistic impression, the post processing is where you can put your own flair into an image.

Two photographers can take the same picture of the same subject but get very different results, and two very cool results to boot...

Here is my website gallery of flowers as I see them, up close and personal.
I call it Magna Flora...

As always, your opinions are welcome and desired.

Happy Shooting our there...

Brock Steel

Friday, August 3, 2012

Hiking the Presidential Mountain Range in the White Mountains of NH

On July 27, 2012  began the Epic Hike II.
As you can see from the picture, we learned from "Thru Hikers"(Hikers traveling the whole Appalachian trail from Mt. Katahdin in Maine, all the way to the end of the trail in Georgia) you must come up with a trail name, which would be memorable for those we encountered along the way, so each of our trail names had a specific story behind them.

The adventure included summiting the Presidential range peaks in the white mountains of New Hampshire, along the Appalachian trail. The summits conquered included: Mt Washington, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Adams, Mt. Madison, Mt. Clay, Mt. Monroe, Mt. Franklin, Mt. Eisenhower, and Mt. Pierce.  All tolled, it was a 20 mile trek over a 3 day period.

The trip started on Friday at the base of Mt. Madison, then a steady climb up to hut, dropped off our gear and summited Mt. Madison, and the trip culminated on Sunday at the Highland center at Crawford Notch.  We stayed in two AMC Huts along the way - Madison Spring Hut & Lake of the Clouds Hut, Madison hut being newly updated was much nicer than the L of C Hut.

The second day of the trek was the most challenging. We traveled on the Gulfside trail and summited Adams, then on to Clay, Jefferson, and the final ascent of the day was Mt. Washington which is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States, measuring in at 6288 ft. Reaching the summit of Mt.Washington was somewhat of a surreal experience, you have worked so hard to get there and immediately upon arrival you are engulfed in a sea of tourists who have either taken the train "Cog Railway" or have driven their car up the auto road to the summit. We then proceed into the cafeteria where the food of choice is chili dogs, because really how much granola can one man take.  The final end to this day was a 1 mile hike to Lake of the Clouds hut, where we made it to just in time before a storm hit, a storm that brought a thunderous bolt of lighting down right outside and struck the hut, setting off alarms and shocking a couple of crew members who happened to be touching the metal counters at the time (no one injured, just a little shaken).

The third and final day of our trip included summiting Mt. Monroe, Franklin, Eisenhower, and Pierce. The final decent down Crawford Path to the Highland center.  Then of course the traditional stop at The Common Man restaurant in Lincoln for burgers and a beer, and talk about the whole experience.

It was an amazing experience...!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Coastal Scenes of New England

The following book of pictures, gives a true taste of the New England coast.  I have the amazing opportunity to see many things from a perspective of a mariner and a fisherman, being both, that many never get to see. This book is my first attempt to share it.

Photo Book...