Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Epic Hike III...Hiking the Bonds.

Epic Hike III Team                                                                                                    July 28, 2013

The adventure started with a 3 mile hike to Zealand Hut, where we spent both nights.

On the second day is when the Epic Hike became Epic...
To start the day, after a huge pancake breakfast served at the hut, we made a rapid intense accent up Zealand to Zeacliff with specatcular views from the overlook.

The trek then headed to the Bonds. Which are some of the most remote peaks of the Whites.  But being remote has its gifts, much of the terrain is open which gives the hiker scenic vistas of nature in its perfect state, all along the way.  Some say the Bonds are the crown jewel of the whites, and I agree.

 The Bonds include:
Mt Bond, Bondcliff, and West Bond.  All three peaks are part of the 4,000 footers.

This is the view of Bondcliff and more...from West Bond.

The second day to the Bonds, was a very long and strenuous hike. The roundtrip distance was about 13 miles.  With an hour lunch break on the top of Bondcliff, it was a full day of hiking.  This was a tremendous hike and would highly recommend it to any fit hiker.

View from Zealand hut

 This really makes you appreciate God's gift of nature...